Photo of Eoin Madden

Eoin Madden.

Your Oranmore-Athenry Green Party Candidate for 2024 Galway County Council Election.

My priorities: Transport • Nature • Health • Housing • Climate • Community

Learn more about me

About me

I live in rural Athenry with my wife Michelle and our 3 young children. I work in higher education as a manager in IT.
I'm passionate about building a sustainable future for our children where they can have homes and have opportunities to live, work and play.
I’m active in my local community; whether training kids at Coder Dojo and hurling, organising litter-picks, secretary of the local hall and playground, PRO of the Community Alert.

Nationally, I’m a voluntary director on the board of the Irish Kidney Association, Ireland’s largest patient led charity. When I last ran for election in 2020, I was seriously ill. After 5 years on dialysis, I was lucky enough to receive a kidney transplant, thanks to my wife, who donated her kidney to a stranger.

I led the YesEquality campaign in Athenry and was deeply involved in the campaign for Repealing the 8th Amendment. I have probably canvassed in every referendum you can think of, sometimes against my own party, but always with my conscience. I question why some of our councillors in Galway are happy to canvass at election time, but haven’t the backbone to canvass on social issues.

I love rural Galway. We are facing challenges with changing technology, changing ways of working, a changing climate, loss of nature and global conflict, but I am an optimistic environmentalist. I know if we work together, Athenry Oranmore can adapt and thrive.

For the past ten years, I’ve campaigned on many different social and environmental issues, and whether I’m talking to people at the side of the pitch and or on their doorsteps; I see the hunger for positive change is here.

Eoin on bike (2024) Eoin at station (2024)

Get Involved!


  • Vote Eoin Madden Number 1
  • Transfers are good: but to stay in the race I need your Number 1
  • Tell family and friends that vote for Eoin is a vote for warm homes in strong communities

Donate time: We have to be smart with our time and money. I need people to

  • Put up posters in early May
  • Hand deliver leaflets in their local area
  • Write press releases
  • ...and more

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